Sunday, August 27, 2006
Un-Malaysian? What is This?
I saw Michelle Blog recently, I found How UN-Malaysian She is.
So, I went have a look at myself to see HOw Un-Malaysian I am.
This is From Kennysia. Thank God he got this thing to Rate ME. lol
To my Suprise. I am Not that Un-Malaysian.
I am kinda proud of myself.
I am NOt That Un-Malaysian As The Prime Minister of Malaysia. Itz My Honour to be in the same level of Un-Malaysian Ability as Mr Malaysia Prime Minister.
Congratulations Yihong Lai, you are 25% not Malaysian.
That means you're as Malaysian as...

Abdullah Badawi !
How Un-Malaysian Are You?
Posted by Ye3Hong at 7:56:00 pm
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
No Trials?
End of Trials!!
I am Freeeee
for one week.
I am Freeeee for one week.
One week is still one week.
I will enjoy it as Much as i can!
The End of the trials means the Beginning of the Real HSC.
The End of the HSc means the Beginning of the University.
The End of the University means the Beginning of the Working LIfe.
The End of the Working life means the Beginning of the pension life.
The End of the Pension Life means the Beginning of the Reincarnation.
The End of the Reincarnation means the Beginning of a New Life.
This is a cycle of life.
There is no the End. The End is always a New Beginning.
An End of a thing will be the Beginning of another thing.
An end of a life means the Beginning of a new Born Life.
This is Life Cycle. Or the Cycle of Life.
There is no End. The End will always be a New Beginning.
This is my life. My life will go on.
My Life will now go on with a Star i love.
My Star.
Posted by Ye3Hong at 10:28:00 pm
End Less Sweet Aroma? lol
End Less Sweet Aroma? What is this. I think you know what i am talking about.
Today I enjoy looking at the stars. The stars Shines and it is like a pair of eyes looking at me. It shines. It is beautiful. It is my Star. She is my Star.
End Less Sweet Aroma. This is a random title where i found it is not important, But the content of this post is important.
the star is a human. A girl? or a Guy? I wonder.
It shines like the way your eyes shines.
When it is looking at me, i feel like 180 degrees hot. i MEAN HOT. Coz the Hotness of the Star Makes me Hot. It is too hot for the weather on Earth. It likes to be in cool temperature.
It is beautiful. It is fabulous. It is my Star.
My own Star. I love this Star. I like this Star.
Star is appealing. Star is Sexy. Star is lovely, that the title of this Blog does not relate to Star.
you might Think this blog is about my title. Like Carm Said, Never Judge This Blog by the Title.
This Star (End Less Sweet Aroma?) will always be my star. I love this star. And I will be missing this Star constantly. It Shines once a week. Once a week. Once a week. And it will keep on glowing and shining Until no time. Forever.
Star ******
ps (the Title has been changed due to the combination of word is sick. xD)
Posted by Ye3Hong at 10:15:00 pm
Friday, August 18, 2006
Guess What people.
I have changed my Mobile Phone Network.
From Vodafone Into Optus.
And it is GREAT!
For starter, i got 100min free Optus to Optus
and then i got 100min free for MyTime
When i recharge the next time i will get 300min Free Optus to Optus
Seriously, i have completely no idea why am i writing this. Maybe to use my time doing something pointless instead of studying for my HSC Trials Exam.
Life is full of Maybes. and Guess What, Life is also fill with paradoxes.
First week has past for HSC Trials Exam.
I got two more to go, and i am free for 4 Days.
Then it will be back to the normal School days, where people are stressing out about HSC.
GooD Luck People IN your Result.
and the Second Week of Trials HSC. ^^
Posted by Ye3Hong at 10:54:00 pm
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Have you ever wonder, when you are having a great time, the TIME goes by really fast.
HAve you ever wonder, When you are having a bad time, the TIME goes by Slower than normal.
IS This a Fact?
I FOUND, everytime I am having a fantabulous time, IT flies like u didn't realise IT went past.
BUT, when I am having the most miserable period of MY life, I feel that the Clock goes slower every seconds and minutes.
Why Does This Happen? Is This Caused by human Psychology and mental problems?
like the fact that "FEAR" fears us all.
IF someone can Overcome the Fear, They will not Fear the FEAR that they are facing.
BUT, If you know what you FEAR.
you will never overcome the FEAR, because the FEAR will keep on haunting you down like a lifeless pathetic dog. (it is not a good simile, but it works)
Why do we fear the FEARS?
Maybe we might find that the FEARS will lead us into another dimension in life?
Maybe we are worried and afraid that the consequences of the FEARS might bring?
Maybe the insecurities in life will makes you fear the FEARS more?
Maybe we might fear the FEARS will affect our future?
There are thousands of MAYBEs, and there is no explanations.
well now The FEAR I fear is my future, and the TRIal HSC exams, and the HSC exams.
I realised that I don't have to fear these, But hey, One thing you will learn from FUTURAMA, is that
"Fear does not Fear us, Fears Bring us together, and makes us feel united."
I always thought Simpsons and Futurama is a FUN thing, But, IT teaches me stuff too. Stuff that I never know I will understand.
Good Luck Everyone in your Trials!
"watashiwa Irokee!!" xDD
Posted by Ye3Hong at 12:12:00 am
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
What I Learnt?
What have I learnt in these 2 years?
I cannot recount it, But these is briefly what I learn in English.
My Essay.
The texts I will refer to are the documentary series “Through Australian Eyes”, “Immigrant Chronicle”, “The Road Not Taken”, and the related material of the film “Stand by me”.
The journey is a pilgrimage that has to be undertaken by human beings from the beginning of their life that will bring us to growth and inevitable change. In the journey of growing up, we are constantly confronted by obstacles and challenges whether it is physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. Eventually it will lead to an extension of a person, where he/she leaves their comfort zone and confronts the obstacles. Through the journey, self-exploration and identity is discovered with a wider understanding towards the world around us and an increase in knowledge.
Growing up is the physical, emotional and intellectual journey which no one can escape from, during this journey we are given opportunities to learn and understand the world through which maturity will change us to become adults. In the film “Stand By Me”, the journey of growing up is shown by the symbolic long shot of the characters walking on the bridge commencing a journey to the unknown, where the bridge symbolize the road to growth. The journey of searching for the dead body is also a symbolic emotional journey for Gordie, where the emotional struggle and the grieving process of the death of his brother, Denny, will come to an end. This is depicted in the rhetorical question “Why? Why do you have to die?” where the repetition of “Why” in sad tone and low volume shows that Gordie is confronting his emotional problems and reveals the underlying issue of the rejection from his parents. This creates authenticity towards the film and also gained the responder’s interest. This confrontation of the emotional obstacles changes the character Gordie from a kid with low self-esteem, to an emotionally matured and stronger adolescent, and indication of growth. Therefore, the emotional change in an innocent child leads to the maturing of a person.
In the poem “Felix Skrzynecki” the journey of maturing is shown by two simple yet meaningful words – “Growing Older” in the beginning of stanza 5. This communicates to the responders that the author, Peter Skrzynecki, is growing older and that these two simple word also gained the responders attention. The use of assonance in the 5th stanza, where the repetition of the long vowel sound, “e”, in the line “Remember words he thought me,” attracts the responder’s attention and triggers them to reminisce about the past. This also illustrates the generation gap between Felix and Peter Skrzynecki that the culture difference will lead to a disagreement in perspective. This is represented by the rhetorical question “Did your father ever attempt to learn English?” in a rough and angry tone by the Department Clerk, which make the responders more interested in the poem and to speculate about difference in perception between Felix and Peter Skrzynecki. The “South Hadrian’s Wall” has been used as a metaphor of the physical barrier between Peter and Felix Skrzynecki, where a change in the dynamic of this father-son relationship occurs. Thus, the change in relationship has illustrated the growth on experiences in a journey.
The search for identity is a crucial journey for a person to explore their own characteristic. Through the search of identity, they will be met with obstacles and that they will extend themselves, and may eventually find their own individuality. In the film “Through Australian Eyes—China”, Ellen Youie has discovered her identity through the period that she stayed in Lou Zhao which is the village her mother came from. The pan shot of the Family Plaque in the local school and the quote from Ellen stated that “…this is the character representing the Lai family. It is the most convincing symbol of my family roots in China”, has depicted that her identity has been found. A change of perception on Ellen is shown by the close up shot of her looking at the Family Plaque with a smile, where she is persuaded that her roots lies in China. However, the journey depicted of Jessie going to India from the film “Through Australian Eyes—India”, illustrates that facing with obstacles like confusions is part of the journey of seeking for identity. The repetition of the word “confuse”, and the use of high modality of the stressing in the word “definitely” has shown that Jessie is completely confused. This is supported by the medium shot of her alienated at the middle of two lines, which symbolize that Jessie is still caught between two cultures. Taking on a journey may have positive and negative outcomes, in Jessie’s case; her search for identity is unsuccessful. Although she is confused, but through the journey she has traveled, she has a change of perspective, where she realized that India is a land of contrast. This is shown by the accepting tone of voice where she said “India is a land of contrast” for several times. As a result, the change of perceptions has depicted the search of identity.
An obstacle can be defined as one that opposes, stands in the way, or holds up progress. In life’s journeys, obstacles and challenges will be met by a person that will change them physically, emotionally, intellectually and also spiritually. “The Road Not Taken” is an extended metaphor of the choices in life, where the person needs to face the challenge which is to make a decision. This is demonstrated by the repetition of the word “And” from line 2 to line 4, which gives the responders the sense of hesitation and contemplation about the decisions. In stanza three, an emotional change occurs where the writer is getting frustrated, which is shown by the appropriate use of punctuation in the line “Oh, I kept the first for another day!” where the exclamation marks convey to the responder a sense of irritation. This indicates the extension of the traveler that causes the person to leave their comfort zone and challenges the obstacles in “and I – I took the one…” where the use of a hyphen indicates that the person has overcome the obstacles and made a decision, it also presents the responders a sense of hesitation while making the person’s decision. The physical change of a person leaving their comfort zone and facing the obstacles will lead to the extension of the person with the results of overcoming the challenge.
In “Migrant Hostel” by Peter Skrzynecki, through the inner journey he conveys which he looks back to the past, obstacles and challenges are met by his family in the Parkes hostel as newly arrived immigrants. This is communicated by the use of a simile in “Like a Homing pigeon…” to create an image of how the people in the hostel act to the responder, where the composer emphasizes the need to seek out others from the same nationality as a challenge to migrants in the hostel. Furthermore the use of noun group in the stark title “Migrant Hostel” conveys the hindrance faced by the migrants where the stigma and discrimination are felt by the migrants. However, unlike “The Road Not Taken”, the obstacles faced in “Migrant Hostel” are not overcome. Instead, the migrant were further scrutinized and humiliated as is shown in “A barrier at the main gates…” where the barrier is the physical obstacles to them and that the personification of the barrier in “As it rose and fell like a finger pointed in …” has changed the emotion of the poem from sadness to shame that makes them look like prisoners. This makes the responders empathise with the migrants, and also causes the responders to reminisce about their own experience of being shamed. Thus, the emotional change from sadness to shame illustrates the difficulty of the obstacles, where some challenges can not be conquered.
From a film of a journey to search for a dead body to a poem which is a metaphor of choices in life, the texts mention has shown identity, growing up and the obstacles in journey. Moreover, the changes that occurred in the texts mentioned, change was inevitable, and that it is an evolution of life. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail!” Journey provides the opportunities for people to extend and challenge themselves, physically, emotionally and intellectually. From growing up, we will eventually discover a unique individuality and identity, and that leaving the comfort zone to extend and confront the challenges will lead to the consequences of overcoming the barrier and a new step towards a better life in the life journey.
(Copyrights towards Yihong Lai)
There are things I've learnt in a few years time. Some philosophy.
Most of all, I 've Learnt to Get on with LIFE.
Cause Life Goes On.
(NOte: DO not copy my Essay!)
Posted by Ye3Hong at 6:02:00 pm
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Firstly I am not talking about
Victoria Secret. IF you are thinking I will be talking about it, well then I am so sorry. ^^
Victoria Secret is an Underpants brand...or Bra...ohh wellz who cares...I am not talking about it =P
What is secret? an incident that cannot be told? A thing that cannot be told?
It is just something that we don't want to let people know.
There are a lot of secret that we as a human has, like the time you made an unforgivable incident, YOU make it a secret.
SO what happen if people asked about it?
YES that's right. YOU LIE.
Some people say we human are the best liar amongst the living things. Is it true?
well, you be the judge. Start judging yourself, and you will realise that you are a better liar than most politicians.
However, secrets are only kept for ourself. it will never turn into a widespread rumours, or some old pathetic jokes. It is our secret.
People who expose others secret are known to be called "Mulut Tempayan" --> BIG MOUTH. So if you have a gigantic mouth, well then you will have the asset to be a good BIG MOUTH. ^^
ANyway, I have one secret. One special secret. Only me and the special one knows. Other than that, NO one. BEcause it is out secret! ^^
Glad and proud to have a secret with you Lil Gurl. =D
Itz our secret! hahahhahahahahah
Take care Lil Gurl.
and I will stuck at home study for my god damn, bloody, useless TRIALS HSC.
(apparently the teachers will not call it useless or pathetic, BUT well I have to study, that SUCk! __!__)
PeAcE OuT ^^
Posted by Ye3Hong at 10:58:00 am