Tuesday, December 26, 2006


We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
WIsh a white christmas?

Merry Christmas to everyone.

What is christmas is all about?
Presents? the feeling of reunion? or it is just the same like an ordinary day?

I choose The feeling of reunion.
we are united in Christmas.
I went to a church on Christmas Eve, I saw so many people.
not the people that I know, the people that I don't know. But, I feel Safe, United, and happy.
and to remind you guys, It is a church.
The christmas carols, and the way people, as a christian, pray for everyone, pray for people they don't know, pray for people who harm them. Why?
They are nice people.
This is a church. And they are christian. Nice people.
Not that You MUST be a christian to be a nice people.
Nice people appears everywhere. people who treat people without discrimination and without prejudice and that they treat everyone the same with love and kindness are good people.
It might sound hard. But sometimes, if we think more about others, we will not be that selfish.

back to christmas. The christmas carols are good songs.
They make us feel happier. Believe me, I am not joking.
maybe next year, you can feel it yourself.
Merry Christmas everyone!


Today is Boxing day.
To everyone, it is just a normal same old Boxing day, where everyone goes to shops to get bargain, and try to get and buy as much so called cheap things in Some expensive shops.
How naive.
the fact that they are buying things from expensive shops like Myers, They are not saving money. IN fact, they are adding more debt into their Credit and visa card.
What is the point to go shopping just get grab Bargain, where you will be owing the bank a lot of money? The next day, or so, You will realise that the thing that U bought, with so called Bargain, is just a waste. You will not use it.
ANd you can get it cheaper SOon. maybe 3 months later.
WHy Worry? Why bargain?
itz all the TV and advertisement fault.

Human are an intelligent living things. But they can be dumb too.
Just an advertisement can persuade So much people to packed into One shop to Get so called BARGAIN.
everyone living things have their own DOwnfall. This is one of HUman's downfall.

Today, however, to some other people.
It is the second anniversary of the Tsunami.
May them rest in peace.

GOd bless everyone!
And of cause. Merry Christmas!

Posted by Ye3Hong at 11:14:00 pm


Thursday, December 21, 2006


What is scarier than the fear of Facing the Results, which we will be needed for the admission of our next step in life. the Uni Life.

WHy do we fear it that much? Is it one of the fears in life that we fear a lot.
Is it the fact that we have been studying for the past 2 years for this result?
Is it the fact that we fear that we will not do good?
But one thing I will not let it conquer my life, the one and only thing that I will NOT let it take over my life. Is FEAR.

My life is full of happiness, and whatever the result turns out to be, I will be glad of it.

It is early in the morning. Due to the fact that I will be working as a Santas Lil helper in Eastgardens, I have to wake up early.
Just like every other normal Tuesday, I wake up early, but with more excitement than I should be having in my life. It sound as though I am having the MOsT important thing in my life.
This results will affect my life.
My life.
OF cause, I will be having a lot of alternative if I didn't get into University.
BUT, as an Asian Child of My parents, going to Tafe or COllege is not my option.
It is not what my parents want me to do.
AND it is not what I want to do.

yes, it is early in the morning, and I am incredibly Nervous and Excited.
The fact that I am nervous is that result I will get.
The first thing I did when I wake Up, I check My result.

When the page where it requires us to enter our School Number and password. I am afraid and Pump.
Every single second the Loading bar is loading, EVery SIngle Second, I am so nervous and interested about it, I almost FAINT.
I am not joking.
Imagine My brother see me Faint in front of the computer. IT will be Unbelievably Embarassing.
BUt I didn't faint.

WHen the page loaded, which it takes about 10 second.
My results appear. A smile APpear on my face.

My results is better than I am expected.


THe Next day, I cannot believe my Name is ON the paper.
I have two band 6s.

AT 9 o'clock SHARp. I go to UAC site.
I am excited this time.
The fact that I know I have two Band 6s. I am happy.
ANd I am of course excited about my UAI.
THe rankin that will determine my FUture.

I can clearly see the Big "O" on my face.
The fact that a mirror is in front of my COmputer. I clearly memorise the moment my Face having the "O".
I was stunned.
I was Not just stunned. I was Amazed.
Amaze that it is such a good UAI.
I never expect myself to get over 90.
NOW. I got 94.45.
what I do?
I Just tell myself that I have qualified for one of the Scholarship.
I am qualified.
and there is always a chance for me to get it, and also to get into that course.

The "O" structure on my face lasted until I start go out to Gym.
ANd yes. I have a break that day.
I work as Santa's Lil helper.
I am not helping the Santa. BUt I am Helping people to take their Christmas Picture.
I like this job.
The fact that I am encountering with kids, I feel Younger.
Kids makes Us Younger. and guess what?
IT does.
ANd they are also CUte.
NO one will believe that I Like kids
Is it because of the way I act in school?

BUt LIfe goes on.
I am glad to have the result.
It is GOod. I am HAppy.

Congratulations to Everyone who get their results and Have an "O" structure On their face.
BElieve me. YOu are smarter than you thought.

COngrats to Jeff who get 99.6
and Lily who get first in Japanese Beginners

Some may feel that their UAI is not enough.
But it is fate that let u get that UAI. get it. and cheerish it.
UAI is not everything.
ENjoy Life. because Life goes on.

Posted by Ye3Hong at 8:09:00 pm


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Carols On DOmain

Christmas is coming closer.
Christmas is sure coming closer.
CHristmas is coming closer. New year is coming Closer.

When christmas is coming closer, Carols is happening everywhere.
The Malabar carol is the first that I have went. And it was with my family, which is NO FUn at all.
why? because it is so boring, and I can only be the goood Boy I am suppose to be.

yesterday, I went to one of Sydney City Largest event. The Carol on Domain.
It is Huge. Or in fact, I would call it Gigantic.
and what is even better is that it was Packed. It was so packed that we are abled to find a seat at around 100 metres from the stage.
100 metre. WHat can we see? Even watching with a 10 times optical zoom camera, we cannot see the people.
But the good thing that technology expand, and developed in such a fast speed. We watch a Big screen.
WHen I say big. It is Big. I don't think this screen can fit into a house. you will be needing a 2 story house to have it inside, and it will not happen. ...... Maybe someone have it, but it is beyond my imagination and wealth.
SO I should stop dreamin to have one of those.

The night start with a good walk on the rocks.
What is better to have in the rocks other than "The Pancakes By The Rocks".
And no doubt about it. They are great.
HOwever, at first, we need to line up. Lol. Yes. we have to line up, because there is line at 630pm. I cannot believe so many people are having their dinner at 630pm and earlier. Because it is so lame. Lol.
well, after like one hour or so. Lol. I am joking. just after around 20minutes, we got a table for four. Ohh yea, I went to there with Anna, Dodo, and of cause his beloved Malissa.
It take us 5 minutes to decide what to eat, and believe it or not, we are having Pizza For DInner in a pancake shop.
but, suprisingly, the food are pretty good.
And then the desert came in.
And guess what. IT is HUGE!!
apparently, no one manage to finish it.
yes, it is a waste, and as a half bhuddist and christian, I don't think don't finishin food is good. It is a sin I think.
I have learnt a lesson. Next time, order less. Lol
BUT, the pancakes are great. they are fabulous. I cannot believe I am fallin in love with pancakes. the downside is that You WILL get sick of the food after a while.
yes, You WILL.

Back to the carol.
there is so much people that the people look like a bunch of ants sitting around.
That is not a bad simile, because it sure does looks like it.
well, after like 20minutes, we manage to find a seat. and well. we ended up sitting on the paper that we've just bought when we got in. IT is worth it. BEcause I Don't want to have a wet ass.
and we got a few present with it. A rudolph NOse, and deers antenna. Lol ( I don't quite know what it is. =D)

then, what happen? Lol we listen to carols, and we talk.
it was suprisingly pleasant to talk to Anna. She is cool. and yes, Dodo and Mal were just in the world of their own.
Why do we come to carol? the truth.
The truth is out there. It is.
Why mal wants to come? she wanted to watch the fireworks.
yes, they have fireworks.
It was nice.
Very nice. and I have a lot of fun. enjoyin watchin it. Because it has been a very long time I didn't see fireworks, and it was great.

the day ends with us watchin the decoration for christmas by David Jones, and we all head home.
overall, it was a nice day. eventho I got home at around 1am, I'm glad I didn't get told off by my parents.
I have fun. itz too bad I didn't bring my camera, otherwise I will be posting the photos, and show it to all my International friends.

Merry Christmas people.
By the way, Just in case you guys didn't know, I got a casual work, as Santa's Lil Helper.
It was fun!

Posted by Ye3Hong at 9:29:00 pm


Monday, December 11, 2006

Feels Good?

I am feeling good.
In fact, I'm feeling tremendously Fantastic.

Time heals everything. It is true.
You might think that it won't heal everything, But it does.
However, the time that heals the problem may varies from one day to maybe a year or More.
But, time will always heal it.

But one person will always be by your side.
I finally believe in it.
God Will always be by our side.
Of cause, theres our dearest parents, and family and friends.
BUt We will NOt tell EVerything to them, am I right?
but God. they will always keeps our secret. they will always support us.
It is true.
Time heals everything.
and God WIll always be by our side.

SO, Hope everyone are feeling as good like me.
cause i am feeling Great!
God Bless!

Posted by Ye3Hong at 8:46:00 pm


Sunday, December 03, 2006

parties agaIn?

Yep that is right! Parties again?
Yesterday, that's right. Yesterday, it was Susan, Lincoln and Helen's Birthday Party in Coogee.
At first it was alright, BUT the weather changes like every single minutes, where it start raining when we start Cooking, Cleaning, and eating cakes. WHy? I don't know.

Yesterday was fun, it is in COogee beach, where the white sand and blue sea. a perfect place to relax and wind down. But the weather just changes this relaxing day into a wet and hectic day, and guess what, I was soaked by the rain.
the whole party was great, until Lincoln started to toss cheesecake to Susan, due to peer pressure. and the whole party just went upside down. and what even worse is that the rain started to pour. so what happen is that, Susan Smells like CHeesecake, where the cheesecake smells like vomit, which will make me stop eating cheesecake forever. imagine you are eating vomit when you are eating the cheesecake.

Well, that was it for the party. No one eat the cake, A lot of people smells like Vomit, and the Rain keeps on pouring.

after the party, I went looking for Joseph, and then Clubbing.
At first, we went to Bamboo Club. BUt They need chics to allow us to go in. WHy? because there are so Much Dicks Than Pussy. So we then decided to go to PumpHouse. WHy? BEcause Joyce and Michelle and their friend are going there.
Note, I've drank 5 shots before we go clubbing.

WE got into PumpHouse. THen? dance like I have never dance Before. IT was great!
My first Clubbing experience. It is Great!

we left around 4am. WHy, I was tipsy, and it is not good to keep staying there. hahahaha

And then. I sleep on the road. lol Joking.
WE went back to Stef place, and we sleep until 10am.

It was a great experience.
Great experience.

Happy Birthday to everyone that are going to have birthday.

Posted by Ye3Hong at 9:14:00 pm
